Eternal Life is a Present Possession for Believers

Eternal Life is a Present Possession for Believers

Christian Faith By Jul 02, 2021 3 Comments

Eternal Life is a Present Possession


We have many theologians who have denied immediate possession of eternal life the moment a person trusted Christ. Eternal Life is a Present Possession.
But when you carefully study the Scripture, you will come to realize that eternal life is a present possession, and not in the future.


What does it mean to have eternal life?
Christ himself is the Life, and that is why it is very wrong to say, “I give my life to Christ”. You can’t give your life to Christ for salvation, but only for his service. Your life is already marred by sin, in fact, the Bible says, we are dead in sins. Ephesians 2:1

Christ is the giver of life, not you. He gives life to as MANY as received him. It is very important to understand that eternal life is a free gift of God. And it is having Christ himself in you. Galatians 2:20
john 10:28, john 17:2, Romans 5:21


When Does a person have eternal life?
Eternal life begins not when you are committed to following Christ, not when you stop all your sins, not when you start going to church, but eternal life begins the moment you accept the gift of eternal life from the giver.

It is not given to you as a reward for your good behavior or attitude on earth, it is a free gift of God. Romans 6:23

John 5:24, 6:47, 1 John 5:11-13

How long does it last?

Eternal means forever, it does not end. If it ends then Christ ends, but because Christ never ends, our eternal life does not have any expiration day. You cannot lose eternal life. If there is a possibility of losing eternal life, God will not say it is eternal life. But every word in the Bible says what it means, and means what it says. And we must take every word into consideration, and trust in the promise of eternal life that Christ has given to us through our Lord Jesus.

And also if eternal life can end at the moment we sin, then God has stopped interceding, and his blood does not cleanse us for all of eternity. If Christ has an end, then eternal life can be put to stop.

Apostle Joshua Selman: 20 Minutes Listening to Him

What can stop that life?
Romans 8:35-39. These verses are in the Bible for a reason, therefore, we need to understand that there is absolutely nothing that can stop the life of Christ. Christ has already dealt with the sin problem that had plagued a man.
Nothing can stop that life. Christ has given us victory when he conquered death and paid the wages of sin.
“the wages of sin is death”
He paid the price that I could not pay, he gave his life as a ransom for my soul, he redeemed.

Check out the video here


Eternal life is a promise, and not a covenant. It is given to you not because of your performance, or attitude, but because of your faith in Christ Jesus.
1 John 2:25
A promise is different from a covenant.
You can only receive this promise by faith in Christ.

Galatians 3:14


Please check every Bible verse put up there in the article to see if those things were so.

God bless you


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