sexual impurity

Sexual Impurity: 3 Great Principles that will Protect you

Christian Faith By Nov 10, 2022 2 Comments


Sexual impurity comes as a result of laxity in some areas of our lives. Satan is not looking for a big space before he strikes, but he is looking for a small hole. Don’t forget that the Bible says that is our adversary: 1 Peter 5:9-10

5:8Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:  
5:9Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

The temptation to sin is very real whether you are single or married.

In this article, I want to help someone, and I want to be a blessing to your heart as you seek to protect yourself from this falling into sexual sin.

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Sexual impurity is a serious problem in our society today, and it is unfortunate that many Christians are involved in this scarlet sin. God’s word is filled with warnings to stay away from fornication and adultery, and these warnings are there for our own benefit.

The temptation to sin is borne out of our lust, and James put it this way:

James 1:14-15

1:14But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.  
1:15Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Three Principles Against Sexual Impurity

These principles will protect you from sexual sins, and if you would pay attention, and give heed to these truths, you will be blessed. But then you shun them, you will be hurt.

These principles are found in the letter of Paul to Timothy, his son in the faith, and warning him about how he should conduct himself as a young man. And we are going to break this verse down one after the other.

2 Timothy 2:22

2:22Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

First Principle


Flee also youthful lusts:

The first thing we see in this passage is an admonition to flee, therefore it is important to know that, if you want to live Godly in this sinful society, there is a need to run from some things that do not help, and things that hinder you.

There is a time to fight, and there is a time to flee, a time to flee is when you are open to doing what would dishonor the Lord, and displeasing his Word. If you stay when you are supposed to run, it will bring a blot to you, and probably your generation to come.

A Bible character is Joseph, he was presented with a “golden chance” to be sleeping with his master’s wife, but he ran away from away. He would not stay around anyone that would make him do things that will dishonor the Lord.

Second Principle


but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace,

Not only are you to run from, but you need to run to something. Most people ran away from bad stuff, but then they do not run toward good stuff, and before you know it, they will run back to their junk again.

There is a need to follow what helps, and not what damages. Things that are given here that we need to pursue are righteousness, faith, charity, and peace.

These are good and outstanding Christian virtues that help believers to grow in their walk with God and work for God.

Third Principle


with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

This speaks of believer’s association and partnership, if you want to stay pure in this impure world, you need to choose wisely those you call friendships, and people that you spend your time with on regular basis.

Believers are to seek the company of spiritual people, people that love God, and people that are on fire for the Lord. Just because someone attends the same church as you does not mean that such a person is living right.

The journey of the Christian life is not meant to live alone, but with the company of those who have the same agenda as you, and then iron will sharpen iron as you navigate the world together with the goal of living for the Lord.


It is my desire that you will make decisions that will help you live for the Lord, then you would be able to bring glory to the Lord in every aspect of your Christ life. Most people who want to live their lives for the Lord do not know how to go about it.

But these principles will ignite the burning desire in your heart to make a commitment and decision to live for the Lord.