the birth of Christ is worth sharing and celebrated

The Birth of Christ: Christmas According to the Bible

Christian Faith By Nov 30, 2021 3 Comments

What Does Biblical Christmas Looks Like? Biblical Christmas according to the Bible should be celebrated with Christ as our focus, and not for the flesh. I will say this, the birth of Christ is worth sharing with others.

If people do not understand this truth, they will not understand the death of Christ. His birth is the reason for his death.

I believe that the reason why many people reject the celebration of Christmas is because of what people do today that does not reflect the truth about the birth of Christ.

Every year, many believers all around the world gathered today to celebrate with joy, gladness, feasting and sending of gifts to one another during the season of Christmas.

While at the same time many Christians disapproved of such practices and called it paganism.

I believe that Christ should be celebrated every day if you are saved.

The reason for this season is for him to come and redeem us from the bondage of sins.

Christ purchased us, saved, cleansed us, and positioned us for Heaven, and the only way we can be saved is through his death, burial and resurrection.

Before he was born, there were prophecies about his birth, and today, we rejoiced in the Savior, God-man who came over 2000 years ago, made himself of no reputation, and took upon himself the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.

The birth of Christ is worth celebrating every second by just thinking about what he did for us on the Cross. If he was never born into the world, he will not die.

I know that people do crazy things during this season of Christ’s birth celebration, but those of us who are saved, need to know better and understand how it should be done.

The birth of Christ was celebrated by the many people in the Bible, and such an account was there for us to know who he is. 

Before I show you Bible verses that talk about Christmas or the Birth of Christ, let me quickly establish some points with you.

1. There is nothing wrong with the celebration of any sort in the Bible.

The Angels made the announcement of the birth of Christ, and also the wise men presented him gifts.

When the temple was rebuilt, and people were mourning and crying, Ezra told them not to do so but to celebrate because of the completion of the house of God.

When the Jewish were delivered from the plot against their lives, the people celebrated with feasting and joy.

2. Celebration of Events was never condemned in the New Testament Either.

In fact, everything we do as believers, we ought to do it to the glory of God. Even when you do the right but for the wrong reason, it will not bring glory to God, but condemnation of God.

When Christ was born, we see the account of wise men seeking Christ, and when they had found him, presented on to him gifts on the day he was born.

Many have cited New Testament as a place where the celebration was never carried out, but you need to understand that the primary goal of believers then was to carry out the great commission, and also they were heavily under intense persecution.

They would rather be persecuted for preaching the Gospel than to be killed for celebration.
They were killed for celebrating Christ every day through their preaching and they died for it.

3. We do not see the examples of Early Christians celebrating the birthday of Christ every year but they do so every day through their mission efforts.

They know him and they make him known.

Let me say that, people who are against celebrating Christ are either not saved believers or have never shared their faith with others.

JW is an antagonist about celebrating Christmas, but then when you look into their teaching about Christ, they portrayed him as one of the Angels and not God.

Verses that Talk about the Birth of Christ

These passages of the Scripture talk about the birth of Christ as it is written in the Bible.

If you are looking for Christmas stories to share with your loved ones, then you have come to the right passages in the Word of God.

1. Matthew chapter 1

Matthew Chapter 1 explains the genealogy of Christ, and also when Joseph decided to put Mary away, and the Angel of the Lord assured him of the child is not of adultery, but conceived of the Holy Ghost.

2. Matthew chapter 2

3. Luke 1

4. Luke 2