Keep Faith for the Future Generation:

Keep Faith for the Future Generation: 3 Powerful Things

Christian Faith By Oct 31, 2022 1 Comment


Keep Faith for the Future Generation is the duty of parents, and it is important to understand the necessity of this truth if we want to preserve this truth for the next generation.

Psalm 78:1-8
In the passage of the Scripture, we see a song that was composed by Asaph, and by the way, Psalms are not a lucky charm that you read into the water, oil, and soap. It is unfortunate that many people have turned the book of Psalms into a lucky charm. I made a video on this subject.

These are songs that are sometimes prophetic, and poetic in nature, and are used by the children of Israel. And that is why Bible says we should sing to ourselves in psalms.

This particular psalm is so powerful in nature that it addresses the work of fathers and their roles in preparing their children for the future.

Asap explains the name to tell the coming generation about what the present generation had witnessed about the Lord.

Jesus said this to the disciple, “Luk 18:8  I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? 

There are some things to keep in mind when it comes to keeping the faith alive for the next generation:

3 Biblical Principles to Follow

1: Remembrance of it

It makes it alive.
Let’s look at verse 3
It is important to call to remembrance what the Lord has done previously through the men and women who stood up for the faith that you are now enjoying.
Asaph called to remember things he had heard and known. We live in a generation that easily forgets things just like was in the day of the children of Israel too.

Some of them are quick to forget the powerful moving of God among them, and they are swift to compromise their stand whenever it is not convenient.
Other references Psalm 44:1 Psalm 48:8, Exodus 12:26-27, Exodus 13:8, 14-15

2. Repeat it
We are stewards of what the Lord has given to us, and we are not to be selfish about it, because when we do, it will affect the next generation.

Verse 4…

Other Reference

Psalm 145:4-6, Joel 1:3

3. Rejoice in it
verse 5-8
How zealous are you about the truth and faith that you have in Christ? Do you rejoice in it?

The reason why some children are not excited about serving the Lord is that the fathers are not excited about it.

We rejoice over physical success more than we do about seeing souls saved, lives changed, and Christians encouraged to serve the Lord.
Many fathers do not rejoice about the Bible, the pure word of God. And it is very disheartening that our children are not excited too about the Bible.

Generational Curse or Iniquity: Three Powerful Facts

You will be zealously affected to transfer what you delight yourself in than what you are forced to do.


After I am gone, I want to look and see that my children are walking in the truth, and they are also passing the faith and keeping it alive for the next generation. I want you to make a decision to keep faith for the future generation.