

Eternal Security: Once Saved Always Saved

The Doctrine of Eternal Security of believers also known as once saved always saved is a Biblical doctrine, and this writer explains what the Bible teaches on the subject of once saved always saved. You CANNOT lose your salvation! by David J. Stewart Eternal Security is the Biblical doctrine that a believer CANNOT lose salvation in Christ Jesus. I recently…

Weary in Well Doing

Galatians 6:7-9 Introduction This passage of the scripture is addressed to Christians who are doing, and they are weary, it is not written for those who are not doing anything for the Lord, but the servants for them to be encouraged in their service to the Lord. Weariness is a feeling of being a tired about a particular cause or…

A CALL TO LIBERTY is a Believer’s Call

Galatians 5:1-13 THE CALL OF THE BELIEVER A CALL TO LIBERTY Introduction: The word “Liberty” is the Greek word “Eleutheria”, it means freedom, as in unrestrained, not a slave, from obligation or liability. Background of the book of Galatians: The letter to the Galatians is a response to the reports of the infiltration of and Judaizers into the Church at…