
eternal life

How to Go to Heaven: 4 Great Truths to Know

Introduction The subject of Heaven is an important subject, and it is essential to understand how to go to Heaven from the Bible. And, there are many “ways” that some people consider to be to Heaven, but according to the Bible. There is only one way to Heaven, which is what I want to explain in this article. Therefore, it…

Verses that Teach Salvation is Not By Works

Introduction In this article, I will be sharing with you some verses that teach that salvation is not by works, even though so many in the world today believe in works as a gateway to heaven. Don’t be deceived, let the Bible speak. John 5:39-40  Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are…

Eternal Life is a Present Possession for Believers

Eternal Life is a Present Possession Introduction We have many theologians who have denied immediate possession of eternal life the moment a person trusted Christ. Eternal Life is a Present Possession. But when you carefully study the Scripture, you will come to realize that eternal life is a present possession, and not in the future. FIVE THINGS YOU DON’T NEED…