
Christian Faith

Bible Reasons for Evangelism: Importance of Sharing Your Faith

Introduction There are so many Bible reasons for evangelism, and it is important to understand that the acts of sharing one’s faith have been part of the success of the early Christians. Bible Verses: 50 Most Popular Bible Verses KJV But despite its importance, many people remain unsure about why they should engage in this practice. In this article, we’ll…

Salvation: Can You Be Saved More than Once?

Introduction It is important to understand the nature of salvation, and how it is received. Salvation is a free gift, therefore, it is one time, and it lasts forever. There are many people who believe that a Christian can lose salvation; but when we study carefully the word of God, we will come to the realization that it is impossible…

13 Powerful Bible Verses about Evangelism KJV

Introduction God commands every believer to do the work of an evangelist, and in this article, I will be sharing with you Bible verses about evangelism KJV, and this will encourage you to see how important the work of evangelism here in the world today is. Evangelism is the act of sharing the Gospel, or the good news, of Jesus…

10 Bible Verses on Spiritual Growth for Believers

Introduction Salvation is a one-time event while growth is a continuous process for believers, and in this article, I will be sharing ten Bible verses on spiritual growth for the children of God. Spiritual growth has nothing to do with age, nothing to do with your religious affiliation, nothing to do with religious connection, and family, but a desire to…

20 Great Bible Verses on Faith for Life Transformation

Introduction Faith is an important subject whenever we talk about God, therefore in this article, I will share 20 great Bible verses on faith for life transformation and better work for God. The word, “faith” is mentioned 247 times in the King James Bible, and it is most mentioned in the New Testament. Two times the word faith is mentioned…

Who Torments People in HellFire?

Who Torments People in HellFire? Is Devil in charge of Hell, and he is tormenting people according to his own will? Once Saved Always Saved is Eternal Life There are some people who believed that it is the devil that punishes people in Hell, but this fallacy, and has no source from the Bible to back up this claim. People…