stephanie otobo and johnson suleman

Stephanie Otobo is A Child of the Devil

Christian Faith By May 11, 2022 No Comments

Stephanie Otobo is A Child of the Devil who is not only going to hell but taking many people with him. Therefore, Christians should be careful of stories. I appreciate her speaking up and exposing the evil deeds of Johnson Suleman, but then she is not sober but puffed up about her evil deeds.

1 Co 5:1  It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father’s wife. 
1Co 5:2  And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you. 

It is important to understand that I do not for once support Johnson Suleman at all, and I have never been a follower of his ministries, and in fact, I believe that he is not Christian, but a fake apostle according to the Word of God.

And then with all the shreds of evidence presented by Stephanie Otobo, and interviews with many people that have connections with Johnson Suleman, It will be safe to conclude that Mr. Suleman is not pure from those allegations against him.

Therefore, the accuser is living is a wicked lifestyle, and she is not even ashamed of herself. I believe that she is glorying about all that is happening between herself and Johnson Suleman. It is high time some Christians stand up for what is right, and call a spade a spade, Stephanie Otobo is not a believer, she is so wicked as Hell.

I watched an interview that was conducted by Maurene Badejo where she was asking her questions about what happened between her and Johnson Suleman, and then she started narrating how many times her life was about to be taken, and then she didn’t die, she also narrated the surgery she had, and how the doctor wanted to kill her because Johnson Suleman had instructed the Dr. to do so. I do not support all these wicked acts from this man.

Moreover, Stephanie Otobo has never been a Christian, and that is the truth, she gets religious because of what she thinks religion can offer her, and that is the general opinion of many people today. They are religious because they want to be protected from evils, and they want a fortune to be in their ways.

And I believe that with all these things that are going on in her life, maybe it is a way for her to seek the truth, and stopped being trusting herself.

And then in another video, she was bragging about how she does not care about what anyone says about her, she is going to please herself, and not anyone else. Let me remind you or anyone reading this article, you are not to please yourself, that is humanism, but you are to please God who created you by trusting his Only Son Jesus Christ who paid for your sins.

I believe that she is going to suffer in the lake of fire forever if she does not place her trust in Christ alone for her soul to be saved.

Assurance of Salvation Scriptures and Verses Explain

Stephanie Otobo, you can have your sins forgiven by God who died on the Cross to set you free from the wages of sins. I am writing this piece to call you out for your wickedness, and you are glorying in sins, and if you don’t have this free gift of eternal life. God’s judgment is coming upon you and your friend Johnson Suleman.

John 8:24  I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.

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