life changing quotes by Dr. Jack Hyles

Life-Changing Quotes by Dr. Jack Hyles

Christian Faith By Oct 17, 2022 No Comments


The life-changing quotes by Dr. Jack Hyles were compiled by brother David Stewart, and you can check the website because he has good articles and information on his website.


jack hyles

September 25, 1926—February 6, 2001

“The Only Inspired Words of God Are In The King James Bible!” —Dr. Jack Hyles
(an awesome quote from Pastor Jack Hyles’ 1994 sermon titled, “THE REAL BATTLE!”

“Until we are willing to die, we have no right to live.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“You are not going to be what you decide to be; you are going to be
what you decide to be around.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The victory comes not to the one who is the most talented but to the
one who labors more abundantly than them all.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A person who will not take care of the little things will not take care of the big things,
for big things are but an accumulation of little things.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“You do not have to seek God’s will when you are doing God’s will.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The right walk can only come from the right stand.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“To lose something in the will of God is to find something better.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Man’s greatest need is to need.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“I’d rather die in the will of God than to live outside of it.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“I’d rather be a prostitute, or one who sells prostitutes, at the Judgment of Christ,
than to be a professor who shakes the faith of young people.”
—Dr. Jack Hyles (a quote from the sermon titled, “It Seemeth Right”)

“If you hold the truth while you are in danger, the truth will hold
you when you are in danger.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Life is too short not to spend it doing what God wants us to do.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“I’d rather be right wrongly than wrong rightly.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Make no provisions for failure.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“So live that when you find yourself, you will still be qualified to
be yourself.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“If God feeds me, He has a right to expect my life.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A little person in a little place can use a little thing, perform a
little task, and receive a great reward.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“I know people use me, but that is what God put me here to do, to be used.” —Dr. Jack Hyles.

Free Grace Theology

“The man who gets ahead is the man who works while others sleep.
The people who do great works for God are those who are content and
stay at their job.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Strong men seek to influence others, weak men seek to control them.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Let’s be diligent in giving, careful in our living, and faithful in
our praying.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“I’ll walk with man while he is awake. I’ll walk with God while man
is asleep.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“If I live for self, I can only live for one; if I live for others, I
can live for 3,000,000,000.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The best thing I can do for you is to love you.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“I’d like to close my ministry some day from behind this pulpit with one word to my people: ‘OTHERS! Signed, Your Pastor.'” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Faith is the willingness to risk anything on God.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A Christian ought to feel that when a need arises, it is his duty to fill that need.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“If I and a need meet, God must have had in mind my filling it.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A man’s main business is God; a woman’s main business is the man.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Love is a gift of God.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The Devil sends his bills regularly; his payments include interest!” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A good name is what is given you by others and that which has been earned by you.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“He who cannot obey cannot command.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“God does not choose those who are fit. He outfits those whom He chooses.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Most of you are living for a temporary life!” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“When you’re critical it is because you are proud!” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“You can stay right on the track and not finish the race!” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The mark of the child of God is that he loves everybody!” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“You’ll never win the battle fighting the battle!” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“It’s 10,000 times better to have character than talent! —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Jesus has been outside the camp all the time!” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Nothing unites people as sharing the same affliction.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“It is easy to be grateful for a bonus; it is character to be grateful for a salary.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by old-fashioned preaching.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A friend cannot be known in prosperity. An enemy cannot be hidden in adversity.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Jesus makes you happy in reality. The world makes you happy escaping from reality.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“He Who can love as no man can love can hurt as no man can hurt.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“If you do what you always did, you’ll get what you always got.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“It is tragic for our God, Who gave us His Son to die on the cross, to beg us to love Him.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Too may people today ask God ‘where’ instead of ‘what.'” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A tribulation gives you the opportunity to test a truth you have always believed.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“God never leads anyone anywhere for money.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Failure means I dared try.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“There is no victory in the world any more shallow than victory over another.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Happiness is untested delight. Joy is delight tested” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The pursuit of things robs me of investing more in the work of Christ.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“You will never really love until you love someone who hates you.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Being loved is life’s second greatest blessing; loving is the greatest.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Nobody is fit to be leader unless he would rather be a follower instead of a leader.” —Dr. Jack Hyles


“God’s mighty power comes when God’s people learn to walk with God.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“There is no one big will of God for your life, God has many wills for your life.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Nobody ‘used to love’ anyone; there is no such thing as an ‘ex-friend.'” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The man who gets ahead is the man who works while others sleep.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Just to love, that’s enough; being loved, that’s a bonus.” — Dr. Jack Hyles

“God’s normal dealings with man are very quiet.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Effort, weakness, trust, victory: that’s my biography.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The leader must be alone while others are with each other.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Preaching is fire in the pulpit that melts the ice in the pew.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“If we prepare ourselves for life’s inevitables, we will not be perplexed by life’s transitions.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Success is on the same road as failure; success is just a little further down the road.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“If I live for self, I can only live for one. If I live for others, I can live for 3,000,000,000.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“You express love by obedience.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“You don’t get strength for the load; you get strength from the load.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“There is nothing more blessed than to be used of God.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Real leaders would rather follow.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“God never gives us anything to do that He does not give us the strength to do.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“I thank God that I have known hunger; I know what it is for God to feed me.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Use you work to build your people, not your people to build your work.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Greatness is in the preparation, not in the performance.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A church doesn’t necessarily need space to grow; it just needs the power of God.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The difference between success and failure is work.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“We need God as much in the calm as in the storm.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Laughter means nothing unless there have been tears.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The ones who disappoint you need you the most.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“There is nothing in this world so empty as getting what you want.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Until we are willing to die, we have no right to live.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Remind your mind to use His mind.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“It is not easy to lose, but often more is won in loss than victory.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Preaching is truth set on fire.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A person who has not done well the little is not prepared or qualified to do the big.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“If I labor for God, I fail. If I labor with God, I succeed.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“I know enough of God to want to know more.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“If I have ever loved you, I will always love you.” —Dr. Jack Hyles


“Let principles make decisions.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The follower is as important as the leader.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Your faith level is determined by your obedience level.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Preaching is sin’s greatest adversary.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“If God called us to a task, He will then qualify us for the job.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“You stay successful the same way you became successful.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“What we do today is more important than what we plan to do in the future.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“I never had a trial I wanted to have, but I never had trial I wasn’t glad I had.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Leadership is made for service.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Faith is the key that unlocks all of God’s cupboards.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A friend will not try to change your convictions.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A prepared person will always have his opportunity.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“To lose something in the will of God is to find something better.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Meditation is love’s nourishment.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Love is a verb.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Clay is earth with humility.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Back of the clouds, the sun is always shining.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Leadership is forced on a man who is prepared but unaware.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Faith is asking. Faith is believing. Faith is doubting. Faith is stepping out anyway.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“If a task is worthy of our attention, it is worthy of our best.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The reward that outdoes all others is the peace of knowing that you did right.” —Dr. Jack Hyles


“A request from a friend is a royal command.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“He Who can love as no man can love can hurt as no man can hurt.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Everything you declare with your lips will be tested in your life.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“If you can’t see His goodness, you can trust His goodness.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The best way to help those who are behind you is to heed those before you.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The greatest blessing the the whole world is being a blessing.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A friend cannot be known in prosperity. An enemy cannot be hidden in adversity.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Life is too short not to spend it doing what God wants us to do.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Giving is the true barometer of love.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“There are two ways to be rich in life: have what you want or want what you have.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“On the essentials, unity. On the nonessentials, liberty. In everything, charity.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The Christian life is a way of life.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Leadership always has to be learning.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Love is a heavenly quality that is given to prepare men to enjoy the heavenly city more.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The fire doesn’t make you what you are; it reveals what you were.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The thing that God wants from us more than anything else is our dependency on Him.” —Dr. Jack Hyles


“Preaching is the moral conscience of a nation.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“What you are is what it takes to stop you.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Preaching is teaching with a tear in the eye.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Love is hope when reason despairs.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The wise follower will want to build strong leaders.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“It is tragic for our God, Who gave us His Son to die on the cross, to beg us to love Him.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The war is not won on the battlefield; it is won in the boot camp.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Duty and love always accompany each other.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The reward that outdoes all others is the peace of knowing that you did right.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Clay is earth with humility.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Do not ask for fears to be removed; ask for courage equal to the fears.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“When you get to the top, raise the top and climb some more.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Love is thinking.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“God never gives us anything to do that He does not give us the strength to do.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Living by faith is believing that God knows what is best for me.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“God does not choose those who are fit. He outfits those whom He chooses.” —Dr. Jack Hyles


“If there is a secret in my life it is this: I do everything by schedule.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“My mother said, ‘Son, it’s the I CAN that makes a great man.'” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Silence between friends says that one’s presence is enough.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Lord, help me to preach today as if it were the last sermon I would ever preach.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“To please a friend is a welcome bonus; to help him is the great reward.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Nothing is happy until it fulfills the purpose for which it was created by God.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“How can you give up the world? Just do what you ought to do, and it will give you up.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Love is the doorway through which the human soul passes from selfishness to service.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Suffering is the strongest and closest fellowship in the world.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“God won’t do for you what you can do for yourself.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“There is no greater joy in the Christian life than to trust Him and need no explanation.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Character comes by repetition of right until right is done subconsciously.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The more you learn to love, the fewer people you will have to love you as you love them.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“True friendship needs no reciprocation.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“One of the most important words in the English language is “appropriate.”” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Failing is not a disgrace unless you make it the last chapter of your book.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A tear today is an investment in a laugh tomorrow.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Make no provision for failure.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“I cannot love you as I love myself until I love God as I ought to love Him.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“There is always a prepared place for a prepared person.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“You do not have to seek God’s will when you are doing God’s will.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Hearts are united when they ache and break together.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Faith is asking. Faith is believing. Faith is doubting. Faith is stepping out anyway.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“A prepared person will always have his opportunity.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“God’s people cannot be shamed into serving God; they need to be challenged.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“Happiness is untested delight. Joy is delight tested” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“You can’t come back to God because He is already there.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“I can’t make you love me, but you can’t keep me from loving you.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“When you restrain you always stand alone.” Dr. Jack Hyles

“Nobody’s going to advise you to restrain. That’s why, when
you restrain, you’re alone. Nobody advises you!” Dr. Jack Hyles

“Folks that love you are not going to want you to restrain.
…You listen to their advice and you reveal weakness.” Dr. Jack Hyles

“In case you’d like to be a real strong person, you go against the advice of this old world, and you take the advice of this Old Book, and you go against every grain there is in life, and you withhold your power, and you restrain yourself from doing that which you so want to do.” —Dr. Jack Hyles


“God doesn’t need a brilliant mind, He needs a voice!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “I AM A VOICE!”

“I believe any man in this world, can love any other man in this world if he thinks right! The reason you hate is because you think hate. The reason you love is because you think love.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “What The Law Could Not Do”

“If you want to never do anything that is terribly wicked, then you never do anything that is slightly wicked.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Unjust In The Least”

“Lordship salvation would make salvation a trade or a deal or maybe even a bribe. It would take away the simple reception of Christ for eternal life and would become God giving us something if we give Him something. God would say to us, ‘You give Me something; I’ll give you something. We will trade, and you will be saved.’ Salvation is not my giving God something and God giving me something; salvation is God giving me something and my receiving it. Romans 6:23, ‘For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ ” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Lordship Salvation” (chapter 11 from his book: “Salvation Is More Than Being Saved”)


These life-changing quotes by Dr. Jack Hyles have been a blessing to me over the years, and I am so glad to be sharing them with you so that they will bless your heart.

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