how to break a soul tie

How to Break a Soul Tie

Christian Faith By Nov 22, 2021 1 Comment

5 Practical Ways on How to Break a Soul Tie

I have been thinking about the subject, and why there is not enough information online about breaking a soul tie or how to break a soul tie.

But having done my biblical search, and counseling with someone that is going through this problem, I feel like I am competent enough to help understand the way to break a tie.

But before we move on to how-to, let’s define what is a soul tie?

What is a soul tie?

A soul tie is an emotional attachment or bond to a person or things.  To have your soul fixed on something especially someone or something that is not healthy for you.

When we give this a definition, then we will know how to break a soul tie according to the bible.

And because you have grown in your attachment to that thing and it is very difficult for you to break free, and it is hurting you.

John called and told me about his relationship life, and that he is having difficulty forgetting his former girlfriend, and because of this, he has been struggling to have a meaningful relationship.

The moment, he mentioned that I was like bingo, you are tied to a soul.

In a relationship, a soul tie is stronger when you are having sexual intercourse together, you are sharing a deep bond, and that is why sex is not for boyfriend and girlfriend, but for husband and wife.

Therefore, God understands that a soul can be tied together when you are having regular sexual intercourse, that is why it is reserved for couples, and it is beautiful in marriage.

Types of Soul Ties

Materialism Soul Tie

A soul that is tied to material things, you can do without them, if you don’t have it, you are not going to be yourself

Relationship Soul Tie

A Soul is tied to a relationship whether to a boy or to a girl. 

Friendship Soul Tie

A soul that is tied to a friend maybe you share a deep secret together. We have an example of a friendship soul tie in the Bible, a deep friendship between David and Jonathan.

1 Sam 18:1And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.

Social Media Soul Tie

A soul that is tied to social media networks that are really hurting other meaningful things in your life.

I struggled with this for so many years, and I believe that social media can be very dangerous if not properly managed.

Music Soul Tie

A Soul that is tied to a music

Now, soul ties can be good and can be very bad. David said, oh Lord, my heart fixed, I will sing and praise you. 

If our soul is tied to the Lord, it is a good thing, but when what you are tied to is really affecting you spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, then it is a sign that it is not healthy for you. 

But it is important to learn how to break a soul tie before it gets out of hand, and then destroy us and everything we have earned.

All these steps are can be used for any type of soul ties that struggle with you.

Stay away from anything or anyone that make you think that person until you are mentally, spiritually , and emotionally fit.

It could be pictures, belongings, or anything that always caused you to have an unholy feeling towards that person.

Keep Your Distance from that Person

If you are struggling to break a soul tie with a person, then you can take a bold step moving away from that person into a far distance where you will not get to see him again.

Replace the empty vacuum with something else

When you leave a thing, it is replaced with another thing, you will always want to go back to that thing you left.

Ask the Lord for help and grace to overcome this challenge

I hope you are a Christian, and you must have understood the importance of prayers, what you cannot naturally do on your own strength, it is possible with the Lord.

Call unto the Lord, and he will help you through.

Heb 4:16Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Fill your Soul with the Word of God

I believe that it is important we keep the Word of God in our hearts, and it will help us keep our sanity, and we will be able to stay right for the Lord.

Heb 4:12For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.


How to break a soul tie must be your ultimate goal if you are struggling with it, because it will affect you greatly if not dealt with quickly.

I hope this article has been a blessing to you, and let me know if you find this information helpful.

If you are not saved, please take your time to read this article.

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