
Christian Faith

This section is for Christian Faith articles that will transform your life.

Can We Go to Heaven with Tattoos?

What Does God think about Tattoos?  One of the questions that has been asked repeatedly is, can we go to Heaven with tattoos? It is interesting to know that there are people who are sincerely seeking for an answer on this subject. Do God’s Word permit believers to get tattoos on their body? The Bible speaks about tattoos, and people…

Christ and Death Penalty

Would Jesus Oppose the Death Penalty? Reagan, David Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:17 While campaigning for the presidency, George W. Bush was interviewed by Bill O’Reilly. O’Reilly pointed out that Bush had named Jesus Christ as his model political philosopher and suggested that this might be a contradiction with Bush’s own support of the death penalty. Bush replied, “I can’t justify…

Is Anything Too Hard For the Lord?

Is Anything Too Hard For the Lord is the question asked? Pastor Tommy Wensil Gen. 18:14 The eighteenth chapter of Genesis is power packed. It begins with an angelic visit to the home of Abraham. Two of Abrahams visitors were obviously angels and the third was none other than the Lord Jesus himself– before Bethlehem (Gen. 18:33; 19:1). The visit…

The Need of Agonize in Prayer

The Need of Agonize in Prayer Nehemiah 1:1-10 Introduction Learning from the life of Nehemiah, the Cup-Bearer. The prayer of Nehemiah really speaks a volume on how we need to seek God’s face during the pressing need, and stormy times. There is one thing that prompted Nehemiah to agonize in prayer. SEEING THE PROBLEM- He visualized the problem. He visualized…

The Most Powerful Truth about Body Piercing

Introduction Body Piercing According to the Bible is what you and I need to understand, there are so many people who think that body piercing for decoration purposes is sinful.  Is it all right to pierce our body when it is supposed to be the temple of the Holy Spirit? Although there is no scripture that directly prohibits the piercing…


FIVE THINGS YOU DON’T NEED IN ORDER TO BE AN EFFECTIVE MINISTER OF JESUS CHRIST Many Christians today are under the impression that in order to be truly effective or useful for the Lord, they need a better education or more credentials or a flashy program to implement or follow. Some perpetually seem to feel that God can only use…