
Christian Faith

This section is for Christian Faith articles that will transform your life.


Many people want to know what to look for in a church. Often, well-intentioned pastors or Christian leaders have offered their own list of requirements, or those seeking a church may have devised their own criteria in their minds. Yet such lists or criteria are often filled with somewhat trivial or “surface” litmus tests that in no way speak to…


Learning to Speak Right God has much to say about the importance of our words—what we say and how we communicate with others. In Matthew 12:34, Jesus Christ warns that in the day of judgment, men will give an account of every idle word. A time is coming when man will understand God’s view of the wrong speech. Christ explained…


Is there a life after death? Did anyone ever come back from the dead to tell us? Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ, who arose from the dead, is the One who came back and who knows. The best proven fact in history is the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some years ago, two eminent legal authorities of England, Lord…

How to Know If a Person Is A True Prophet

Biblical Way to Know if a Person is a True Prophet I do not believe we should be looking for prophets today. However, for the sake of discussion, I will give three biblical tests of a true prophet. They are a good way to test prophets for any age or time. A true prophet never turns people away from the…

Prophecy or Prediction

Prophecy or Prediction What is the main difference between “Prophecy” and “Prediction”? The general purpose of prophecy and prediction is the same: to tell what will happen in the future. However, their source of authority for this information is very different. Prophecy relies on the authority of God-given information. True prophecy is therefore never wrong because it always carries the…

Vow, Oath, Swear and Pledge

I will start from the general definition of the terms and then get to your particular situation.The four terms you mention–vow, oath, swear, and pledge–are referring to three very different situations. Only three, because swear and oath go together. In the Bible, to swear is to make an oath and an oath is what someone swears. Consider these meanings: Oath,…