
Christian Faith

This section is for Christian Faith articles that will transform your life.

The righteousness of God: 17 Powerful Verses

Introduction In order for man to be received by God, he must possess the righteousness of God, therefore, there are places in the Bible where the righteousness of God verses is, and in this article, I will show you Scriptures that speak about God’s righteousness. It is through His righteousness that man is able to enter heaven. Old Testament about…

20 Powerful Verses of Salvation By Grace Alone

Introduction In this article, I will be sharing with you the 15 verses on salvation by grace alone through faith. Many verses in the Bible prove that we are saved by grace alone through faith, but 15 verses from the King James Bible stand out. I grew up in a church that teaches the works of men as a requirement…

2023 Nigeria Presidential Election: 5 Great Decision-Making

Introduction In 2023 Nigeria will be electing another president after 8 years of leadership by President Muhammed Buhari, and in the 2023 Nigeria presidential election, a new leader will emerge to lead this nation for another 4 years or 8 years. And these past 7 years of his leadership of President Muhammed Buhari have been filled with an increase in…

Life-Changing Quotes by Dr. Jack Hyles

Introduction The life-changing quotes by Dr. Jack Hyles were compiled by brother David Stewart, and you can check the website because he has good articles and information on his website. DR. JACK HYLES September 25, 1926—February 6, 2001 “The Only Inspired Words of God Are In The King James Bible!” —Dr. Jack Hyles(an awesome quote from Pastor Jack Hyles’ 1994…

12 Powerful Points in Defense of Once Saved Always Saved

Introduction In defense of Once saved always saved means that a believer is eternally secured the moment he trusted Jesus Christ. And he can not lose his salvation no matter what happens. Therefore in defense of once saved always saved, we will look at what the Bible teaches. Can a child of God so apostatize as to be finally lost?…

3 Grave Mistakes that Send People to Hell

Introduction It is important to understand that people will go to Hell because they have chosen that path, and therefore in this article, I want to share with you three mistakes that send people to Hell. Do People Who Commit Suicide Go to Hell? What are the things that send people to Hell? Is it because they do not have…