Mother's Day songs

5 Great Mother’s Day Songs

Christian Faith By Apr 21, 2024 No Comments

Explore Mother’s Day Songs 2024


Mother’s Day is a special day for every mother, and there are great Mother’s Day songs that have been composed throughout history. These hymns celebrate the love, guidance, and importance of mothers in our lives, making them perfect for Mother’s Day services in church.

I am here to share with you 5 great Mother’s Day songs that will inspire every mother to live for God.

Faith of Our Mothers

Faith of our mothers, living still In cradle song and bedtime prayer; In nursery lore and fireside love, Thy presence still pervades the air: Faith of our mothers, living faith, We will be true to thee till death.

Faith of our mothers, faith and prayer Have held thy child when sharp the pain Of those who dared, for truth, to die, And those who bore the martyr’s chain: Faith of our mothers, living faith, We will be true to thee till death.

Faith of our mothers, guiding faith, For youthful longing, youthful doubt, How blurred our vision, blind our way, Thy providential care without: Faith of our mothers, guiding faith, We will be true to thee till death.

Faith of our mothers, Christian faith, In truth beyond our man-made creeds, Still serve the home and save the church, And breathe thy spirit through our deeds: Faith of our mothers, Christian faith, We will be true to thee till death.

Mother, I Love You

Mother, I love you, mother, I do. Father in Heaven has sent me to you. When I am near you, I love to hear you Singing so softly that I scarcely hear you. Mother, I love you, Mother, I do. Father in Heaven has sent me to you.

These tender lyrics express a child’s love and appreciation for their mother, reflecting the special bond between parent and child.

Mother’s Day Prayer

On this Mother’s Day we gather, Thankful for the love we share. Bless our mothers, Lord, we pray, For their kindness, strength, and care.

Guide them with your gentle hand, As they lead us day by day. Fill their hearts with joy and peace, And bless them in every way.

May they feel your love surround them, In each moment, near and far. Bless our mothers, Lord, we ask, On this special day and beyond.



These heartfelt lyrics express gratitude for mothers and ask for blessings upon them on Mother’s Day and always.

A Mother’s Love

In a mother’s arms, I find my peace, Her gentle touch, my soul’s release. Through every trial, she stands by me, Her love, a beacon, eternally.

With tender care, she guides my way, Through darkest night and brightest day. Her wisdom, like a guiding light, Leads me through the darkest night.

In a mother’s love, I find my strength, Her words of comfort, they lengthen. No matter where life’s journey leads, Her love, my anchor, ever pleads.

So here’s to mothers, strong and true, For all the love they give and do. May we honor them in every way, And cherish them on this special day.

These lyrics celebrate the profound love and support that mothers provide, acknowledging their strength, wisdom, and unwavering presence in our lives.

Blessed Mother

Blessed Mother, hear our prayer, Guide us with your loving care. In your arms, we find our peace, Where all worries and fears cease.

Your gentle touch, a soothing balm, In your presence, we find calm. Through life’s storms, you’re always near, To wipe away each falling tear.

Blessed Mother, pure and mild, Teach us to be kind and mild. With your grace, our souls refine, In your love, our spirits shine.

Lead us on the path of light, Through the day and darkest night. Blessed Mother, hear our plea, Guide us to eternity.


These lyrics express reverence and devotion to the Blessed Mother, seeking her guidance, comfort, and protection in life’s journey.


Enjoy these Mother’s Day songs, and have a great service.

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