

The Birth of Christ

What Can We Learn from the Birth of Christ Every year, people all over the world gathered with friends and family to remember and celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus, our Lord. But then it is unfortunate that many people have no understanding of what the Bible says about the birth of the Savior. Luke 2:1-11And I believe that the…

The Purpose of Preaching in a Local Church

Explaining The Purpose of Preaching in a local church In this article, I will explain the purpose of preaching in a local church, and how the church can magnify the preaching of the Word of God more than anything.2 Chronicles 15:1-10 A. Spirit of God came upon Azariah, the son of Oded. The meaning of his name is JAH has…

Weary in Well Doing

Galatians 6:7-9 Introduction This passage of the scripture is addressed to Christians who are doing, and they are weary, it is not written for those who are not doing anything for the Lord, but the servants for them to be encouraged in their service to the Lord. Weariness is a feeling of being a tired about a particular cause or…