Verses that Teach Salvation is Not By Works

Introduction In this article, I will be sharing with you some verses that teach that salvation is not by works, even though so many in the world today believe in works as a gateway to heaven. Don’t be deceived, let the Bible speak. John 5:39-40  Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are…

Tattoo Verses in the Bible

Understanding what the Bible teaches about tattoos will give us a perspective on whether or not Christians should get a tattoo. Tattoo verses in the Bible often talk about the printing on the body. There are verses in the Bible that condemn the printing of tattoos on the body due to several reasons. And one of the reasons I can…

Seven Important Doctrines in Two Short Verses

In the Bible chapter 19, Jesus explains seven important doctrines to the Pharisees, and in these short verses from 4-5, Christ explains very important teachings from the Word of God that these people need to hear. I believe that these seven important doctrines in the Bible are the foundational truth that every Christian needs to understand. The Genesis Record is…

The Man Named Philemon

The Man Philemon is a Great Man Philemon 1 IntroductionThe letter was written by the Apostle to Philemon about the servant named Onesimus being saved under the ministry of the Apostle in the prison. Onesimus had known the Apostle well in the old days when Paul visited the house of his master Philemon, who seems to have been a man…

The Roles of a Pastor

The Roles of a Pastor in a Local Church IntroductionUnderstanding the roles of a pastor in a local church will help you to build a better relationship with your pastor, and it will also foster a better trust in him as he labors for the Lord.The pastors are called different names in the Bible.As a Pastor, it means a shepherd…

Heaven After this Life?

How to get to heaven After Death People often asked, is there hope of Heaven after this life? Many people are clueless whether there is heaven after this life for them. But if Bible is your final authority, then you should find your consolation in the Bible, and what he says about how a person can have assurance of Heaven…