12 Powerful Points in Defense of Once Saved Always Saved

Introduction In defense of Once saved always saved means that a believer is eternally secured the moment he trusted Jesus Christ. And he can not lose his salvation no matter what happens. Therefore in defense of once saved always saved, we will look at what the Bible teaches. Can a child of God so apostatize as to be finally lost?…

3 Grave Mistakes that Send People to Hell

Introduction It is important to understand that people will go to Hell because they have chosen that path, and therefore in this article, I want to share with you three mistakes that send people to Hell. Do People Who Commit Suicide Go to Hell? What are the things that send people to Hell? Is it because they do not have…

The Holiness of God Verses

God is Holy INTRODUCTION In this article, we will be sharing things about the holiness of God, and the verses in the Bible. Meaning- Leviticus 11:44, Psalm 99:2,3,5,9, John 17:11, Revelation 4:8-11 The attribute of holiness with respect to God means that He is separate from all that is unclean and sinful, and It also means that He is positively…

What Makes Bible So Special?

Introduction What are the things that make the Bible so special, and it becomes one of the best-selling books in the entire world? Have you ever asked this question personally? And that is the goal of this article, I will share the uniqueness of the Bible so that you can learn. Bible Reading Plan for 2022 CONTENT For one, it’s…

Remote Pastor is not Biblical

Introduction It is important to understand that serving in the Local church as a pastor cannot be done remotely, therefore remote pastor is not Biblical, and no Biblical church should accept this as the norm. What does it mean the word remote mean? Remote: Located far away spatially If you are a software engineer, cloud, QA Tester, Doctor, etc, you…

Is there A God?

by David J. Stewart  Introduction Is there a God? Was the universe created by a Divine Creator, or did it just happen? If the universe just happened, then what started the process? The laws of thermodynamics have PROVEN that neither energy nor matter can be destroyed.  Quote from John MacArthur on Salvation You can convert one form into another, but…