free grace gospel tract

Free Grace Gospel Tract: 5 Great Facts You Must Know

Christian Faith By May 20, 2023 No Comments


This little article is about the free grace gospel tract that you can use for witnessing, and it is important to know some facts about the free grace of God.

Free Grace vs Lordship Salvation: What You Need to Know

The Bible Way to Heaven.
Are you 100% sure that if you died today, you would go to heaven?

1) Realize that everyone is a sinner.

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:23) No one is good enough to go to Heaven on his own merit. No matter how much good we do, we still fall short.

2) Realize the penalty for sin.

For the wages of sin is death… (Rom. 6:23) The penalty for sin is eternal death in a place called Hell.

3) Believe Christ died for you.

But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom. 5:8) Christ’s great love for us was shown when He died on the cross to pay our debt.

4) Trust Christ alone as your Savior.

…But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Rom. 6:23) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Rom. 10:13) Everlasting life is offered to those who, by faith, call upon Jesus.

5. Eternal Life is Forever; You Cannot Lose it.
The Bible teaches that anyone who has put their faith in Jesus instead of themselves to justify them before God has Eternal Life and cannot lose their Salvation. Every single sin that they have committed or will ever commit has been paid for.
Bible References
John 6:39-40
1 John 5:1
John 10:28-29
Ephesians 1:12-14
Romans 8:38-39
Romans 11:29
John 6:47
John 3:36
1 John 5:13
John 5:24

If you have trusted Christ to save you, you have Eternal Life, and that life, by the basic definition of the word “eternal”, and many Biblical proofs, can never, ever be lost. As far as God’s concerned, you are as righteous as Jesus Christ, having God’s very own righteousness imputed to you (Philippians 3:9).

Every Christian denomination which teaches that you can lose your Salvation nullifies faith alone. They may even espouse faith alone for Salvation – but common sense says that if your actions can cause you to lose that Salvation (or “prove you never had it” – same consequence, same emphasis), that’s not faith alone. That’s faith plus behavior.

The article can be converted to a free grace gospel tract that you can use for your personal witnessing.


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