john macarthur

Quote from John MacArthur on Salvation

Christian Faith By Oct 04, 2022 2 Comments

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Quote from John MacArthur
Below is the statement and quote from John MacArthur on salvation which proves that he is a works salvationist in disguise, and he loves to proclaim the 5 Solas, but then he denies salvation that is free for all. See below for a quote from him.

“Salvation isn’t the result of an intellectual exercise. It comes from a life lived in obedience and service to Christ as revealed in the Scripture; it’s the fruit of actions, not intentions. There’s no room for passive spectators: words without actions are empty and futile…The life we live, not the words we speak, determines our eternal destiny”

This is works salvation, plain and simple, what he claims to be against at other times. This can’t even be said to be consistent with “works as proof” in that case it would be believing determines your salvation and salvation determines the life you live as a result (which is also incorrect), the plain reading of this quote is that salvation is a result of an obedient life.

Verses that Teach Salvation is Not By Works

It’s also not consistent with his Calvinism which says whether or not you were chosen before the foundation of the world is the determining factor in your destiny.

In that case, your pre-chosen destiny determines the life you live, or whether or not you turn from sin at some point.
I believe in rewards (1 Corinthians 3:11-15) the life a believer lives does determines that much, the one with no reward is still saved because salvation is a gift, not a reward. This is what the “passive spectators” who believed the Gospel will get.

For people who believe the Gospel message I’m not encouraging anyone to be a passive spectator, for others, any works offered are what the Bible calls “dead works.”
One moment of believing was all it took to determine the eternal destiny of the thief, He had nothing to offer there.

John Piper has said justification is unconditional but glorification is not, it relies on our endurance to the end, tell me more about how Calvinism is not works salvation. Piper did deny the loss of salvation implications when challenged, just saying the elect would persevere, in order to have any form of assurance you must keep pushing yourself.
John 3:16 is enough for real assurance, God loved the world (that includes me) and saves whoever believes (which also includes me).

Assurance of Salvation Scriptures and Verses Explain

I’m all for doing works for the right reasons, needing to do them to make sure I get to Heaven isn’t one of them. They say your destiny is predetermined but it’s somehow up to you to determine it. Calvinism and Arminianism both say that in order to get to Heaven you must first believe and then persevere. Calvinism says if you’re elect God will force you to do both. Either way, endurance is part of what it takes.

My security is in that Jesus did His bit and I did mine (accepted by believing) therefore all that’s needed for me to get to Heaven has been done.
What Piper appears to be getting at is don’t get too comfortable assuming you are elect, make sure of it by continuing in faith despite the fact you can do nothing to change your status.
Regular loss of salvation is initial salvation through faith and then a requirement to do works to achieve “final salvation.”

I did see one guy who believes in loss of salvation who was blatant enough to make an outright claim that he will never lose his salvation, he knows what it takes and nothing will stop him from doing it, looks like he still needs to do what it takes (believe).

For the one who has spent many years trying to do what it takes, a rejection of what they believe would demand acknowledgment that all that effort was for nothing, that would be hard to swallow, having pushed yourself so hard and you’re still no better off than if you hadn’t, no one wants to think their life has been futile but better coming to terms with that now than later.
Some people want to say there’s no salvation, not even temporary, until God approves you for Heaven based on your faithfulness, need to wonder what the cross was for in that case.
The cross isn’t only necessary, it’s sufficient for all who believe that it is. Calvinists sometimes like to use a sufficiency argument as in if anyone that Jesus died for doesn’t get in then the cross wasn’t enough for them.

The cross is all that’s needed in the endurance department, God won’t accept any offering from us there. Also, Jesus had to go through the same regardless of how many believed, one person or billions, He endured the cross as a result of man sinning, not a certain level of sin.

If salvation was based on getting what we deserve no one would get it, MacArthur will say that much at times but it still means there’s a minimum amount you need to do to get what you don’t deserve. One would be able to do “just enough not to go to Hell” even if you give these people the benefit of the doubt that they’re not aiming for this minimum according to what they preach this cut-off level must exist.

All of us are at the same “level” (Romans 3:23) legalists get like atheists, and hate to be told they’re no different from the “worst people” there, the religious people will typically say that’s something they used to be, accepting that all their religious efforts haven’t changed this status is a bitter pill to swallow, as it is for the humanist who thinks he’s lived a moral life. The religious person who claims to have stopped sinning is like the atheist who thinks he’s blameless.

Of course, a believer ought to change, and look to put away sin, it’s not a matter of trying to change your status. When a person believes in the finished work of the cross their status changes automatically from hellbound sinner to child of God with no condemnation. That’s a permanent change, the key is to understand the new identity and Christ’s sacrifice and let that help with motivation. It’s not a matter of a checklist where I need to tick all the boxes.

I believed that’s me done ticking boxes to get to Heaven, my challenge now is not to maintain my new life but make the most of it.