

12 Powerful Points in Defense of Once Saved Always Saved

Introduction In defense of Once saved always saved means that a believer is eternally secured the moment he trusted Jesus Christ. And he can not lose his salvation no matter what happens. Therefore in defense of once saved always saved, we will look at what the Bible teaches. Can a child of God so apostatize as to be finally lost?…

5 Things Satan Can Do to Christians

Introduction There are some things that Satan is allowed to do to Christians, and I would love to remind you that Satan is our great enemy, and therefore, there are some things that Satan can do to Christians. He is not playing games with you, and he is looking constantly for whom he may devour. And that is why we…

Eternal Security: What If I Stop Believing in Christ?

Introduction What If I Stop Believing in Christ, do I still have salvation, or do I lose it? What if I stop believing? Am I no longer saved? At that point? It’s a good question and it demands a good biblical answer. And that’s what we’re going to provide for you today if you’re here for the first time, we…

Why Christians Don’t Go Soul-Winning

4 Reasons Why Christians Don’t Go Soul Winning In this article, I want to explain to you why Christians don’t soul-winning after someone told about Christ, but then they ignore sharing their faith with others. John 20:19-22Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for…

The Purpose of Preaching in a Local Church

Explaining The Purpose of Preaching in a local church In this article, I will explain the purpose of preaching in a local church, and how the church can magnify the preaching of the Word of God more than anything.2 Chronicles 15:1-10 A. Spirit of God came upon Azariah, the son of Oded. The meaning of his name is JAH has…

Born Again Christian|The Results of Being Saved

The Born Again Christian In this article, I will be explaining how we can know that we are born again. It is possible to know that we are born of God, we belong to God. It is difficult to break old superstitions, religious traditions, and doubt, but one can only receive Jesus Christ by faith, plus nothing, and minus nothing….