

11 Great Notable Miracles of Jesus Christ in the Bible(KJV)

Introduction The great notable miracles of Jesus Christ are seen in the New Testament Bible. And these displayed the power and the person of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we will be looking at the miracles of Jesus Christ as stated in the Bible. I hope this will help you to appreciate the power of Christ. 8 Great FACTS about the Birth…

20 Powerful Miracles of Jesus Christ in Order (KJV)

Introduction The miracles of Jesus Christ in order are significant because they demonstrate Jesus’ power and authority, and they serve as signs of his divine nature. Moreover, in the Gospels, Jesus performs miracles to heal the sick, cast out demons, and even raise people from the dead. These miracles often serve as a catalyst for faith in Jesus as the…

The Miracles of Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew

In this article, we will be exploring and outlining the miracles of Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew in order of how it happened. Matthew recorded the genealogy of Christ, the birth of Christ, the Baptism of Christ, His miracles, death, burial, and also the resurrection of Christ. Therefore, the main focus of this writing is to show by…