

9 Bible Verses on Marriage between a Man and a Woman

Marriage By Jan 26, 2025

IntroductionMarriage was instituted by God himself in the Garden of Eden, and it is, therefore, the union between a man and a woman for companionship, procreation, and mutual benefits. basic principles of marriage This article will present 9 Bible passages that speak about marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and it is supposed to be a…

The Man Named Philemon

The Man Philemon is a Great Man Philemon 1 IntroductionThe letter was written by the Apostle to Philemon about the servant named Onesimus being saved under the ministry of the Apostle in the prison. Onesimus had known the Apostle well in the old days when Paul visited the house of his master Philemon, who seems to have been a man…