

5 Great Parables of Jesus Christ in the Bible

Introduction The parables of Jesus Christ in the Bible convey an important earthly truth with heavenly meaning. It can also mean a dark saying with spiritual understanding. Sure, here are some parables of Jesus Christ from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible: Free Grace vs Lordship Salvation: What You Need to Know These parables, among others, were used…

20 Powerful Miracles of Jesus Christ in Order (KJV)

Introduction The miracles of Jesus Christ in order are significant because they demonstrate Jesus’ power and authority, and they serve as signs of his divine nature. Moreover, in the Gospels, Jesus performs miracles to heal the sick, cast out demons, and even raise people from the dead. These miracles often serve as a catalyst for faith in Jesus as the…

Jesus Christ | Is Christ a God?

Jesus is not a God in the sense of being a additional God. However, He is God in His unity with the Godhead. The Bible teaches that there are three persons of the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Their relationship is different from anything we experience in our world. They are each God, but they are…