
eternal security

How to Go to Heaven: 4 Great Truths to Know

Introduction The subject of Heaven is an important subject, and it is essential to understand how to go to Heaven from the Bible. And, there are many “ways” that some people consider to be to Heaven, but according to the Bible. There is only one way to Heaven, which is what I want to explain in this article. Therefore, it…

The Eternal Security of Believers Booklet PDF

Introduction  Eternal Security of believers is the Biblical doctrine that a believer CANNOT lose salvation in Christ Jesus. I recently spoke with a Church of Christ minister who believed that Christians could LOSE their salvation by failing to maintain a “relationship” with God. Of course, that is a lie of the Devil.  DOWNLOAD THE ETERNAL SECURITY OF BELIEVER BOOKLET HERE The Charismatics are also…

Eternal Security in Christ

Eternal security in Christ is not a separate doctrine from soteriology(doctrine of salvation). And most people who denied the subject of eternal security are hypocrites because they do not even have a clue on how they can have their sins forgiven and forgotten by Christ. Therefore the hypocrisy of those who don’t believe in eternal security is their inability to…

Lose Your Salvation | How a Christian can Lose Salvation

How a Christian can Lose SalvationThe 14 step plan. By Pastor David F. Reagan. Used with permission from Learn the Bible.Definitively answers the question: “Once saved, always saved?” Introduction So… you want to lose your salvation. Well, you don’t really want to lose it—but you think you have, or could, or that someone you know certainly has lost theirs. They…