Is It Sinful for Women to Wear Pants?

What about Women Wearing Pants? How to be Filled with the Spirit I have to admit that I dread answering this one. Is it sinful for women to wear pants in this modern society that we live in? Not that it is unimportant and not that it is an improper question. It is a good question. But it seems to…

Jesus Christ | Is Christ a God?

Jesus is not a God in the sense of being a additional God. However, He is God in His unity with the Godhead. The Bible teaches that there are three persons of the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Their relationship is different from anything we experience in our world. They are each God, but they are…

Tongues: Speaking or Hearing?

On the day of Pentecost, when the disciples assembled together and the Holy Spirit descended, the believers began to speak in tongues, and others heard the wonderful works of God in their own language. Did the apostles miraculously speak other languages, or did the listeners simply hear the works of God in their own language? In other words, was the…

Lose Your Salvation | How a Christian can Lose Salvation

How a Christian can Lose SalvationThe 14 step plan. By Pastor David F. Reagan. Used with permission from Learn the Bible.Definitively answers the question: “Once saved, always saved?” Introduction So… you want to lose your salvation. Well, you don’t really want to lose it—but you think you have, or could, or that someone you know certainly has lost theirs. They…

Culture and the Bible

Culture and the Bible In Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary, there is no meaning of the word culture as it can be used at times today. The 1828 meaning basically defines it as any labor for improvement or growth. When did this word change its meaning? The reason I was thinking about this is because some people who call themselves Christian…


By Pastor Gary Freel Sadly, a growing number of believers are “ignorant” (lacking knowledge and wisdom as well as the application of that knowledge for life and godly behavior), not only when it comes to knowing the chronology of end-time events and the effect that such knowledge should have on daily living (1 Thess. 4:13; 5:1) but even about some…