HOW A CHRISTIAN SHOULD CELEBRATE THE CHRIST’S RESURRECTION By Paul Chappel 5 WAYS TO REJOICE IN CHRIST’S RESURRECTION If there is anyone in the world who has reason to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is a born-again Christian. We are to rejoice in Christ’s resurrection because the payment of sins has been done deal. Although we commemorate the…

The Bible Exposition on Mark 5:1-15

Mark 5:1-15 The Bible talks about a man in this passage who is possessed with demons, and the name of the demon is Legion. And this demon replicates itself in the lives of the man. Christ demonstrated his power over many things to show us that he is Almighty God. The Characteristics of this Man in the Tomb This man…

The Attitudes in Our Prayer Life

3 Attitudes in our Prayer Life The attitudes in our prayer life will help our talking to God be more effective, and also we will help us to pray more. God commands prayer, and it is God’s desire that men pray everywhere, and everything, but there are many believers today who are not praying the right way, and some who…

Why Christians Don’t Go Soul-Winning

4 Reasons Why Christians Don’t Go Soul Winning In this article, I want to explain to you why Christians don’t soul-winning after someone told about Christ, but then they ignore sharing their faith with others. John 20:19-22Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for…

Bible Reading Plan for 2022

The Need for Bible Reading Plan for 2022. It is important to understand the role of Bible reading in our daily lives, and I believe that every believer should read the Bible at least one time in his lifetime, therefore there is a Bible reading plan for 2022 that will help you to achieve your goal. Bible Reading plan is…

The Faithful God

One of the attributes is that he is the faithful God. What does that mean? It means God is always consistent in everything that he does. Do Not Blame God Deuteronomy 7:6-11 1 Corinthians 1:9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. The children of Israel were reminded of…