3 Great God’s Designs for Music in the Lives of Christians

Introduction God’s design for music also means God’s purpose for music, and it is important for God’s people to know and understand the reason for music so that they will not abuse it, or use it for the wrong purposes. Revelation 15:3-4 KJV [3] And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the…

7 Places Where Humility Found in the Bible

Introduction There are only seven places in the Bible where the word, “humility” is found in the King James Bible. The word is found in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and in both places, it has just a little meaning. Bible Verses on Thanksgiving: 10 Powerful Verses in the Bible Three times the word is found in…

4 Great Ways to Have Better Relationship with your Pastor

Introduction My Pastor And I is an article that helps believers to understand how they can have amazing relationships with their pastor. Having a better relationship with your pastor is important even to your own spiritual growth. As a concerned pastor myself, I want church members to understand me so that I can help them. Serving in a pastoral ministry…

Another Spirit: 3 Great Lessons on the Subject

Introduction What does the Bible say about another spirit? Another Spirit is not the Spirit of God, but the falsified spirit that is not of God. We look at another Jesus, which cannot save to the utmost, which is not God and does not guarantee eternal life to those that believe, and it is sad that this is Jesus that…

Jesus of the Bible: 5 Important Truths to Know

Introduction Another Series is three different concerns that Apostle Paul expresses to the Corinthians church, and he warned them of another Jesus, which is not the Jesus of the Bible. 2 Corinthians 11:3  But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in…

Serving the Lord: 3 Great Reasons Your Children Will Never Serve the Lord

Introduction Serving the Lord is one of the greatest tasks for God’s children, and every Christian should desire to serve the Lord with their whole heart. To serve the Lord is to reverence, worship, and honor him for who He is, and what He has done, and it is a call for a humble walk with God. Exodus 23:25  And…