
Christian Faith

This section is for Christian Faith articles that will transform your life.

5 Great Bible Verses on the Crucifixion of Christ

Introduction These are Great Bible Verses on the Crucifixion of Christ. Christ’s crucifixion gives believers hope and the resurrection glorious joy. We have the whole of the Bible debunking the lies that people have believed. And it also provides evidence for the resurrection of Christ. 5 WAYS TO REJOICE IN CHRIST’S RESURRECTION Here are some King James Bible verses on…

10 Dangerous Prosperity Gospel Pastors in the World

Introduction The prosperity gospel is a belief held by some Christians that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one’s material wealth and success. And in this article, these are the names of dangerous prosperity gospel pastors in the world. Therefore, this teaching puts too much emphasis on material wealth and success. It can be used to…

The Name of the Lord in the Bible: What You Need to Know

Introduction The name of the Lord in the Bible is worth studying. And you will be greatly amazed at how powerful His name is. It is important to know what the wonderful name of God, is and how believers can promote his Holy Name. Psalms 124:8 Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth….

The Holy Spirit in the Bible: What You Need to Know

Introduction This blog post on the Holy Spirit in the Bible is designed in a way that even a child can understand the subject. So, it is important for us to understand the truth about the third person of the Trinity. How to be Filled with the Spirit Therefore, Holy Spirit is not a New Testament concept, but it has…

Great Benefits of Family Devotion: What You Need to Know

Introduction Family devotion should be an essential part of the family, and it is important to note the great benefits of family devotion. Family worship is common in Jewish tradition and culture. And, in this blog, I will be sharing with you how the power of family devotion can transform your family. I have seen how this practice has helped…

Free Grace vs Lordship Salvation: What You Need to Know

Introduction In this blog post, I will be talking about what you need to know about free grace vs. Lordship salvation. Romans 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: There are two camps and two views: we have those who hold strongly to free grace, and on the other hand, those who…