
Christian Faith

This section is for Christian Faith articles that will transform your life.

Peter Obi: Top Nigerian Pastor that Publicly Supports His Candidacy

Introduction Will Peter Obi win the election with the support of popular pastors? Nigerians will go to the poll on February 25th and vote for the president that will govern this nation for the next four years. Different parties are already campaigning and wooing people to vote for them. One of the presidential candidates is Mr. Peter Obi of the…

Colossians 1:23 Once Saved Always Saved

Introduction This is the clearest explanation of Colossians 1:21-23 KJV, and how it relates to once saved always saved, and I hope it blesses your heart. And then, Colossians 1:21-23 has been misused and misinterpreted by so many people. Many people believe that this passage teaches that someone can lose salvation, therefore you must endure to the end if you…

6 Biblical and Practical Steps in Quitting Pornography

Introduction Quitting pornography can be a challenging task, but if you follow these Biblical and practical steps, it will help you. Overcoming an addiction to pornography can be difficult, but it is possible with the right approach and support. Here are some steps you can take to help you quit pornography: Admit that you have a problem. The first step…

5 Important Reasons for Evangelism

Introduction These are important reasons for evangelism, and it will motivate you to be a soul-winner, and not just watch people do it. I have an article on Bible verses about Evangelism in the KJV There are several reasons why Christians are called to evangelize and share their faith with others. Reasons for Evangelism To fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission: In…

4 Great Benefits of Sexual Purity

Introduction In order to understand the benefits of sexual purity, we need to define what sexual purity is, and when we understand this truth, it will help us to understand what Bible teaches on the subject. What is SEXUAL PURITY? Sexual purity refers to abstaining from sexual activity outside of the confines of marriage between one man and one woman….

Sermon Outline of Matthew Chapter 1 KJV

I. Introduction Sermon Outline of Matthew Chapter 1 KJV gives us the synopsis of the book of Matthew and its record about Jesus Christ.The importance of the book of MatthewThe context of the genealogy in Matthew 1 The Book of Matthew is the first book of the New Testament in the Bible. It is one of the four Gospels, which…